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Welcome to Kazoku Karate England We are a sustainable, dependable, forward-thinking karate organisation. Kazoku meaning family, is about bringing people together regardless of age, gender, race and religion. Although a traditional karate organisation we are constantly developing and improving to meet the demands of the modern-day karateka. We are non-political, non-profit making organisation established to serve and develop the needs of all our members.

Latest Kazoku Karate News

KKAE Club Competition May 2024

I arrived early to help set up the hall only to find that there was a team already hard at work and the mats were

Dan Grading 26/11/2023

Congratulations to those who graded on 26 November. We had 8 Shodan and 3 Nidan passes. Thank you to Sensei Kawasoe for great warm-up training

JKAE Open and Koburakai Invitational 2023

A full weekend of competition saw a small group of competitors attending the JKA Open International, Crawley followed the next day by the Koburakai Invitational

JSKE Training Course

KKAE assembled for a JSKE training course with Senseis Kawasoe, Tomlin, Brown and Hori on Saturday 19 March.  It was great to meet face-to-face with